Monday, November 30, 2009

Herbert W. Armstrong was ahead of his time!

I'm often accosted by some who mindlessly cut and paste a list of Herbert W. Armstrong's "failed prophecies."

I respond Herbert Armstrong was ahead of his time and served as an early warning system. What follows is one of these many exchanges: it really enough to dismiss this written record as "being ahead of his time?"

Yes. Why don't you just be honest and admit you hate Herbert W. Armstrong because he spoke the plain truth that CANNOT be refuted? that your traditional Churchianity is merely baptized paganism the Bible condemns as part of Mystery Babylon? For exposing your SUNday as a pagan counterfeit of the biblical Sabbath; your pagan holidays you've sought with your replacement theology to replace the biblical festivals; that sheeple like you bleat they're born again and don't have a clue what they're talking about, since we're born again at the Resurrection only; that God is not the sadist traditional Christians make Him out to be; that the meek inherit the Earth -- not float off to Heaven; that you're not an immortal soul, eternal life is a gift from God; the wicked will be destroyed, ashes under our feet; we can become literal God-beings, members of the Kingdom-Family of God?

Why don't you just confess and forsake your sins of murderous hatred against HWA for slaughtering your "sacred cow" and exposing it as religious bull from Babylon?

Haven't I refuted Herbert Armstrong by showing his timing was off?

No. The apostle Paul also thought Christ would return in his lifetime. He was ahead of his time, as he, like Herbert W. Armstrong, later realized.

The enemies of God and Herbert W. Armstrong can't refute the plain truth of the Bible that anybody can read and see for themselves. That's why they have such a murderous hatred against Christ in him, just like the "religious" violently opposed Jesus for standing up for the TRUTH over their tradition.

May such misguided folks repent of their mob mentality against God's servants, and learn to go against popular error instead and start teaching the plain truth of the Bible (that contradicts their present idolatrous traditions). Otherwise they'll die in their sins and traditional darkness (John 15:22). what criteria did he speak truth?

Mr. Armstrong spoke the plain truth by the criteria of the Bible that counterfeit Christianity has rejected for their own traditions. The Bereans were noble for checking out what Paul said compared to THE BIBLE - not compared to their traditions (Acts 17:11).

...are you denying he said the things I posted?

I said Herbert Armstrong was ahead of his time. The PRINCIPLES of prophecy he spoke of remain absolutely true: a final revival of the unholy Roman Empire is prophesied and the EU is forging ahead with that Frankenstein Monster now.

I'm stating categorically that what you've thrown up against Herbert Armstrong is a DIVERSIONARY TACTIC, a dishonest attempt to discredit him, since you can't refute the black and white of the Bible he taught on the plain points I've made and you know it. Who do you think you're fooling by such pretense? God? Man? Why play your foolish games?

Proof that you're offering lame excuses is because every one of your popular traditional ministers or groups have taught and said worse things that, unlike HWA, aren't even true according to biblical prophecy, such as Russia attacking America (when Mr. Armstrong alone warned it will ultimately be a German-led Europe that attacks us that even some Protestants now agree is true) and yet we never see you get all hot and bothered about them or post against them or call them false prophets. Why your glaring double standard? Perhaps you're too blind to see it yourself, but now that it's been brought to your attention, prayerfully think about it and see this is the plain truth.

"For exposing your SUNday as a pagan counterfeit of the biblical Sabbath; your pagan holidays you've sought with your replacement theology to replace the biblical festivals" --

I believe Judaizers were addressed by Paul, not by me.

According to your vain traditions and popular error, Paul would be a Judaizer since he kept and taught the biblical Sabbath and festivals, just like Jesus did and will command all nations to keep when He returns and reigns in Jerusalem.

Are you in denial of this plain truth? It says Christ will command both Jews, Israelites and Gentiles, all nations, to keep the Feast of Tabernacles -- not pagan Xmas or Easter (should tell you a lot right there!)- when He reigns from Jerusalem with the glorified Saints, then brilliant God-Beings. Is Jesus a Judaizer? Rather, your kind are Roman wolves in sheep's clothing with your replacement theology, seeking to demonically replace the Sabbath with pagan Sunday, the biblical festivals with your hollow days of pagan origins that GOD HATES, and you do many other similar things with your idolatrous and tinsel traditions.

"...that God is not the sadist traditional Christians make Him out to be; that the meek inherit the Earth - not float off to Heaven;" -- who said anything about floating off? I have specifically said our hope is in the new earth.

Thankfully, you're correct about the New Earth, but your traditional Churchianity teaches folks go to "heaven or hell" when they die, which is a RELIGIOUS LIE. And I see you still misrepresent God as a sadist rather than a loving God who puts the wicked out of their misery, who mercifully destroys them completely in the Lake of Fire and lets them return to dust while the rest become divine.

"that you're not an immortal soul, eternal life is a gift from God;" -- Yes, a gift already given to all.

Another RELIGIOUS LIE. Why don't you believe the clear teachings of the Scripture rather than Catholic-Babylonian doctrines of demons? Satan said, "You shall surely not die." In other words, you're an immortal soul! Yet God's Word says the soul that sins it shall die, and Revelation speaks of the second death (from which there is never a resurrection), and Jesus spoke about destroying both body and soul in "Hell fire." Why don't you believe Him? God isn't the sadist you counterfeit Christians with your serpentine ministers make Him out to be.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not PERISH (death), but (on the other hand) have everlasting life."

Life or death - those are the only two choices. Not life and life. And who would consider it a gift if they had eternal life in torment? You're not even being logical or biblical. "The wages of sin is DEATH, but the gift of God is eternal life" (Romans 6:23). Life or death, plain and simple. And "no murderer has eternal life dwelling in him" (1 John 3:15).

"the wicked will be destroyed, ashes under our feet; we can become literal God-beings, members of the Kingdom-Family of God? Why don't you just confess and forsake your sins of murderous hatred against HWA for slaughtering your "sacred cow" and exposing it as religious bull from Babylon?" --

I don't believe you ever answered as to why HWA was lying to you about the Greek language, his sole basis for his beliefs; that it does not concern you......

Why are you still wrestling dishonestly, desperately, with YOUR straw man? I've clearly shown how biblical it is to know and believe and teach we're to become literal God-Beings and I don't need to know Greek to read it in the Bible and believe the simplicity that is in Christ.

Why are you so dishonest and trying to squirm around clear statements like "flesh and blood does NOT inherit the Kingdom of God," and "we shall see Him as He is for we shall be like Him," and even as we've born the human image of Adam, so we'll bear the divine image of Christ, the FIRSTBORN OF MANY BRETHREN.

Why don't you believe those clear Scriptures that you're afraid to address and go off on your little tangents, dishonestly? Why don't you let the Truth set you free from your lying traditions? Why resist the Holy Spirit of truth? You should praise God for exposing such darkness to you and be glad to forsake the Babylon you're in enslaved within.

Regardless, it's your choice: you can become dust or divine, have eternal life or eternal death. But, like God, I encourage you to CHOOSE LIFE.


Herbert W. Armstrong Was Ahead of His Time!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

12 Days of Global Warming

Spiritually bankrupt souls like hypocrite Al Gore crave some messianism in their lives and so preach the false gospel of global warming.

Friday, November 27, 2009

PCG: Practice What You Preach!

God’s Sacred Calendar (Part Two)
November 20, 2009 | From

A closer look at some of the rules of the Hebrew calendar. This is where most of the controversy arises over the calendar. By Stephen Flurry and Mark Nash

It is true God has preserved His sacred calendar and holy days, and the correct dates to observe them, through THE JEWS. Yet the Philadelphia Church of God (PCG) and others continue in the proud and stubborn, idolatrous traditions of men and reject the correct Jewish dates for Passover and Pentecost, condemning themselves. Would to God folks would repent and let the truth set them free! Would to God they would practice what they preach and submit to the God-given authority of the Jews on these sacred matters!

Passover and Pentecost Differences Settled!
The correct dates to observe God's holy days should not be a Church of God issue, having been settled by God thousands of years ago and preserved throughout the ages by faithful Jews.

The Oracles of God
God's empowered the Jews - despite themselves - to preserve His Word. They are the only people on Earth that God has blessed and ordained to fulfill such a calling! God will not retract His Word or renege on this gift and responsibility that He's graciously bestowed upon Judah.

The Pharisees
Who isn't aware of the sins of the Pharisees? Especially the Accuser of the Brethren? But does that mean the truths they teach, even if they don't live them, are no longer true?

The Passover Memorial
When did God decree that Jesus could declare "it is finished" and die on the stake? Why at the very same time that THE JEWS were sacrificing their Passover lambs at the Temple! The Jews had always killed the Passover lambs during the final hours of the 14th. It was towards the end of the 14th, not at the beginning of the 14th, that the Passover lambs were killed.

Raymond McNair Rejects God's government

Did Herbert Armstrong Ever Observe Pentecost on Sivan 6?

Fuzzy Thinking Christians

Jew hatred in the Church of God

Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Reason for the Season?

The Reason for the Season?
By Douglas S. Winnail

Billions of people are caught up in Christmas celebrations each year, but do they really understand the truth about Christ’s birth? The answer is right in the pages of your Bible!

At year’s end, busy shoppers and party-goers turn their attention to annual Christmas celebrations. But how often do they stop to ask: Why?

What do trimming a tree, decorating the house with lights, stockings, pine boughs and flying reindeer, hanging mistletoe and taking the children to see Santa Claus have to do with the birth of Jesus Christ—the supposed "reason" for the season? Why do sleigh bells and carols about "peace on earth, good will toward men" ring hollow as headlines report increasingly violent crimes, international terrorism, spreading droughts and famines, continuing wars and declining morals? Why do so-called Christian nations perpetuate anti-Christian customs that make life an endless round of momentarily pleasurable, but largely meaningless, social activities?
Though credible scholars and historians universally recognize the fact, the average professing Christian has no idea that the customs surrounding Christmas originally had nothing to do with Jesus Christ!
Even the widely held idea that Jesus was born on December 25 is known to be a fabrication! Contrary to the common tradition, Jesus was probably born in the fall, because Scripture recounts that sheep were in the fields (Luke 2:8)—a situation that would not exist in December. Jesus was also six months younger (Luke 1:24–27, 36) than John the Baptist, who was conceived in late June (after his father had served the eighth course of Abijah—see Luke 1:5; 1 Chronicles 24:1–19). Josephus, the Jewish historian, explains that 24 courses of priests served in the temple for week-long periods twice a year, beginning in the month of Nisan (in the spring, about April). John, conceived in June, would have been born in March, meaning that the six-months-younger Jesus would have been born in September—not on December 25!
So, why do people celebrate Christ’s birth on December 25—even though Scripture nowhere gives that date, and does not even teach that Christians should celebrate Christ’s birthday at all? Late December is the time of the winter solstice, one of the major festival periods in the ancient world. Historians note "the birth of many solar saviors and dying gods is celebrated at this time, usually on December 25th" and that "Christmas is a wonderful amalgamation of many religious traditions, ancient and modern, pagan, Zoroastrian, Jewish, Mithraic, and Christian" (The Pagan Book of Days, pp. 132–133). Modern Christmas is a composite of several year-end festivals celebrated in pagan Rome. The Saturnalia, (December 17–21) was a time of "extravagant decadence" when slaves and masters traded places for a few days. It was a season of revelry where the common greeting was "bona Saturnalia." Next came the Sigillaria—the feast of dolls—on the 22nd when toys were purchased and given to children. The Brumalia (December 25) was celebrated as the "Birthday of the Unconquered Sun, when the days began to lengthen after the solstice" (Christmas and Christmas Lore, Crippen, p. 7). These were times of feasting, drinking and debauchery. The Egyptians also celebrated the rebirth of the sun in the form of an infant several thousand years before the Romans (see The Golden Bough, St. Martin’s ed., pp. 471–472).
By contrast, the early Christian Church did not celebrate Jesus’ birthday as long as the teachings of the Apostles remained intact. In fact, as late as 245ad, the church scholar, Origen "repudiated as sinful the very idea of keeping the birthday of Christ" (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th ed.). However, in an effort to gain converts, "the church at Rome definitely fixed on the 25th of December as the birthday of the Lord" in the 4th century (Crippen, p. 6). The choice of the winter solstice festival and the birthday of the sun-god were deliberate. New "converts" could continue their popular pagan customs uninterrupted—but under a new "Christian" name! People follow the same fabricated practice today—largely ignorant of what is hiding behind the "Christian" façade.
But have you ever wondered if there is more to life than this? Have pagan customs adopted by mainstream Christianity replaced more meaningful biblical practices?

The Hidden Dimension

It may come as a surprise, but the Bible outlines a specific series of festivals or feast days that the people of God are commanded to observe. While many have been taught that these festivals were Old Testament practices and are no longer relevant to Christians, nothing could be further from the truth! The festivals outlined in Scripture (see Leviticus 23 and Deuteronomy 16) are extremely significant and packed with meaning. They outline God’s plan of salvation for humanity, and reveal the major steps or events in that plan. The sequence of the festivals reveals the true purpose of human life! That purpose is exciting, inspiring—and humbling—yet it has been obscured by pagan holiday traditions professing Christian churches have absorbed! Church services—commanded assemblies—on each of the Holy Days review the meaning of the festivals. Notice what historian W. D. Davies wrote about early Christian practices:
"Everywhere, especially in the East of the Roman Empire, there would be Jewish Christians whose outward way of life would not be markedly different from that of the Jews. They took for granted that the gospel was continuous with [the religion of Moses]; for them the New Covenant, which Jesus had set up at the Last Supper with His disciples… did not mean that the covenant made between God and Israel was no longer in force. They still observed the feasts of Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles; they also continued to be circumcised, to keep the weekly Sabbath and the Mosaic regulations concerning food." [Judeo-christianisme, "Paul and Jewish Christianity," 1972, p. 72, quoted by Samuele Bacchiocchi, From Sabbath to Sunday, p. 151].
Historian Edward Gibbon made a similar observation: "The first fifteen bishops of Jerusalem were all circumcised Jews; and the congregation over which they presided united the law of Moses with the doctrine of Christ. It was natural that the primitive tradition of a church which was founded only forty days after the death of Christ, and was governed almost as many years under the immediate inspection of his apostle, should be received as the standard of orthodoxy. The distant churches very frequently appealed to the authority of their venerable Parent" (The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, chapter 15, section 1, p. 389).
What is this sequence of biblically ordained festivals? The annual sequence begins in March-April, with the Passover, followed by the Days of Unleavened Bread. The Passover is an annual reminder of our need for a Savior and forgiveness of sin. The Passover lamb offered in the Old Testament (Exodus 12:3–6) foreshadowed the coming of Jesus Christ to die for the sins of mankind (John 3:16). Even after Jesus fulfilled the symbolism of the sacrificial lamb (Isaiah 53:7; John 1:29), the Apostles and the early Church observed the New Testament Passover (Luke 22:14–16; 1 Corinthians 11:23–26) as an annual memorial of Christ’s sacrifice. During the seven Days of Unleavened Bread, leaven is removed from dwellings, conveying the lesson that to obey God we must put sin (symbolized by leaven) out of our lives. This is what Christian growth—repenting, changing, growing and overcoming—is all about. The Apostles and the early Church kept the Days of Unleavened Bread to perpetuate the meaning of those days (Acts 2:38; 20:6; 1 Corinthians 5:7–8).
The next New Testament Church festival, Pentecost, comes in late May or early June, commemorating the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the disciples (Acts 2). The Feast of Pentecost ("pentecost" comes from the Greek for "count 50") is also called the Feast of Harvest or Firstfruits because it came at the beginning of the summer harvest. This harvest was small, picturing God’s plan to call just a small group of people to salvation in this present age (Matthew 13:10–17; John 6:44–66; 1 Corinthians 1:26–28), before He begins working with all mankind. The annual observance of Pentecost is a constant reminder that God has a special purpose for those called to be firstfruits (Revelation 14:1–5), and of the special understanding that comes by receiving and nourishing the Holy Spirit (John 14:15–16, 26; 16:13; 2 Timothy 1:6–7).
These first three annual festivals picture events in God’s plan of salvation that have already happened. Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection fulfilled the meaning of the Passover nearly 2,000 years ago, so we no longer sacrifice a lamb—but we continue to observe the Passover at His command as a memorial of that important event (Luke 22:19). The Days of Unleavened Bread picture Christians’ ongoing process of putting out sin from our lives. The events of the Day of Pentecost—the giving of the Holy Spirit and the beginning of the New Testament Church—inaugurated the Christian era in 31ad.
The next four festivals in God’s sequence are still prophetic, picturing major events that have yet to occur! When we observe these festivals, we can better understand the future, and we can have hope. These festivals outline the remaining steps that will culminate in God’s plan of salvation for humanity—a plan that has largely been hidden from the world by false man-made holidays such as Christmas!

Revealing the Future

The Feast of Trumpets pictures a soon-coming event that will change the course of human history forever—the return of Jesus Christ. Bible prophecies associate the Second Coming of Christ with the blowing of the seventh trumpet (Revelation 11:15). Trumpets are used to make announcements, mark the feasts and sound alarm during times of war (Numbers 10:1–10). Cataclysmic events will precede the Second Coming of Christ (Matthew 24; Revelation 6; 8; 9). Jesus will return to a planet torn by war and tribulation to save mankind from utter self-destruction (Matthew 24:3–7, 21–22). He will conquer human armies that will resist His return (Revelation 19:11–19). At His return the saints (the "firstfruits") will receive immortality (1 Corinthians 15:51–54) and reign with Christ on this earth (Daniel 7:26–27; Revelation 5:10). The annual observance of the Feast of Trumpets keeps us mindful of these incredible events. It supplies real hope in a world filled with bad news.
The Day of Atonement pictures the fact that Satan—the real instigator of the evils and troubles in this world—will be bound for a thousand years when Christ returns (Revelation 20:1–2). This future event was foreshadowed in the Old Testament observance of this festival when the priests sent a goat into the wilderness bearing the sins of Israel. Though modern translations of the Bible refer to this animal as the "scapegoat," suggesting it was without guilt, Jewish traditions correctly identify this goat as symbolic of the prince of fallen angels—Satan (Leviticus 16:8–10). The other goat used in this ceremony, killed for the sins of the nation, foreshadowed Jesus Christ’s sacrifice. God’s command that we fast on the Day of Atonement teaches us the need for humility and reminds us of our need to become at-one with God (see Leviticus 23:27; Psalm 35:13; John 17:11).
The Feast of Tabernacles pictures the coming of the Kingdom of God to this earth. This seven-day festival offers an annual foretaste of the thousand-year reign of Jesus Christ and the saints (Revelation 20:4–6). During this period, also called the "Millennium," the government of God will bring peace and justice to this earth and restore all things (Isaiah 9:6–7; Acts 3:19–21). It will be a time of harmony (Isaiah 11:6–9), health and abundance (Isaiah 35; Amos 9:13). The government of God will proclaim the laws of God from Jerusalem to the whole world (Isaiah 2:2–4). Unlike our present age, when only a very few receive the knowledge of God’s Way, during the Millennium all will be taught to obey God and experience the wonderful blessings that come as a result!
The Last Great Day is the final festival on God’s annual calendar. It pictures the Great White Throne Judgment period, described by the Apostle John (Revelation 20:11–12), when the Holy Spirit will be made available to those who had never before had their minds opened to God’s way (John 7:37–39; Ezekiel 36:24–27). They will be resurrected and have their first opportunity to accept Jesus Christ and obey Him through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Yes, the message of the Last Great Day is that those who died without hearing the Gospel are not lost! They are not burning right now in hell. They are waiting in the grave for this great resurrection. Those who then choose to live according to God’s way will receive immortality, but those who reject God’s way will be consumed in a lake of fire (Revelation 20:14–15).

Warnings and Hope

"That sounds interesting," you may be thinking, "but what does it matter if I observe Christmas instead of those Old Testament festivals?" You may feel that you "love the Lord" and that you are honoring Jesus by celebrating His birth. "I’m just ‘baptizing’ those old pagan customs by offering them to the Lord," you may think. Well, what does the Bible say about this approach?
God told the nation of Israel to follow His commandments and not alter them (Deuteronomy 4:1–2). Through Moses, God repeatedly warned the Israelites not to forget His commandments (Deuteronomy 8:10–14) and to avoid being captivated by the false religious practices of pagan nations. God specifically warned, "do not inquire after their gods, saying ‘How did these nations serve their gods? I also will do likewise.’ You shall not worship the Lord your God in that way; for every abomination to the Lord which He hates they have done to their gods" (Deuteronomy 12:30–31). Again, in this context, God states: "Whatever I command you, be careful to observe it; you shall not add to it nor take away from it" (Deuteronomy 12:32).
These clear warnings are repeated in the Old and New Testaments. The prophet Jeremiah pointedly told the Israelites, "Learn not the way of the heathen.… For the customs of the people are vain" (Jeremiah 10:2–3, KJV). Jesus even said, of religious people, that "in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men" (Matthew 15:8–9, KJV). The Apostle Paul gave similar admonitions (1 Corinthians 10:6–7; 2 Corinthians 6:14–17). However, in spite of these clear warnings, the history of the Israelites—and of the modern professing Christian churches—has been to ignore and reason around God’s very clear instructions. Rebellious human beings have substituted customs that God says are evil, for festivals God designed to keep them mindful of His great plan of salvation and the true purpose of life. People professing to be Christian have listened to false teachers "who call evil good, and good evil" (Isaiah 5:20). They have been deceived by religious leaders, "who suppress the truth in unrighteousness" (Romans 1:18). They have "exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshipped and served the creature [pagan customs] rather than the Creator" (Romans 1:25).
But you, personally, can make a different choice. When you start observing the biblical festivals God has ordained, you will begin to understand what life is all about. The Bible and the world around you will begin to make sense as never before. The excitement and fulfillment you will experience will make the frivolities and falsehoods of pagan holiday practices seem empty by comparison. If you have not already done so, please write to the regional office nearest you (listed on page 30 of this magazine) and request your free copy of our booklet, The Holy Days: God’s Master Plan. Then you will truly begin to understand the reason for the season!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Ezekiel Warning Message

The Church of God Must Warn the World!
by David Ben-Ariel

The Church of God has been charged to get the Word out to all the world and make disciples (students) within every nation, teaching them to follow Yahshua's (Jesus') teachings.

What did Yahshua teach? Yahshua boldly proclaimed the good news of the Kingdom of God, the immortal family of divine beings soon to reign over all the earth.

He also taught His students how to live a life that graces the Gospel and compliments the Kingdom. We're to become more godly, more Christlike, more Kingdom-like, daily, in anticipation of its Dawn.

But Yahshua also warned of TURBULENT TIMES to occur just before His landing on the Mount of Olives to liberate Jerusalem and secure David's Throne (leading to Israel's deliverance).

We know that certain prophecies were not to be fulfilled until these "last days." Therefore their sealed messages weren't to break their silence until the appointed time (Dan. 12:9). With the advent of the nuclear age, we've been living, for the first time in history, with the weapons of mass destruction that can erase all life from off planet Earth! (Matt. 24:21-22).

The early Church of God preached the Gospel, but within the framework of addressing issues and concerns of their time and place. For example, they emphasized Yahshua's necessary death and resurrection.

The biblical approach is to offer "meat in due season," custom-made messages, tailored for the times, "becoming all things to all men," using current events as a prop and a podium.

The Sabbath-keeping apostles and evangelists preached Christ and Him crucified, and didn't deal with Yahshua's prophecy about Jerusalem's imminent fall and the Temple's destruction. Why? Because it wouldn't affect the daily lives and national affairs of their Gentile audience.

However, today the European Beast is taking shape and form before us, while the American, British and Jewish peoples continue their nosedive to oblivion. Both of these intertwined events were clearly prophesied (Lev. 26; Deut. 28). And it's only with our God-given understanding of biblical prophecy that we can see where these trends are rapidly heading.

Both the Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation reveal a Gentile confederation of nations to emerge upon the world scene just before Messiah comes, wrecking havoc upon Israel and opposing the Heavenly Army (Dan.7; Rev. 13; 17).

These prophesied headlines will directly affect the lives of every member of the Church of God and nations of Israel! We're living in the prophesied time of a knowledge explosion, of mass transit and rapid communication, and have truly become a global village (Dan. 12:4). Therefore these "geopolitical" prophecies are most personal and pertinent.

It was necessary for God to first identify Israel today (the so-called Lost Ten Tribes) so the Church of God could deliver His message to them, preserved by the Prophets for our time. We're to warn the sinful English-speaking nations of white Israelites that the Holocaust was only a preview of what's to come! We're to deliver the Ezekiel warning message to them specifically (Ezekiel 3:17; 33:1-9).

Many different groups and organizations (for better and for worse) have helped to restore Israel's identity. But Herbert W. Armstrong was the most influential, through his inspiring book The United States and Britain in Prophecy, as God ordained (Isa. 49:6). How else could we go with the Gospel to the "lost sheep of the House of Israel" unless God directed us? How could we warn about the imminent "Time of Jacob's Trouble" unless God sent us?

Many professing-Christian ministries today are still lost in their own little religious worlds (Ezek. 34:4-5). They still don't know or care who Israel is or reject our identity (yet express interest in our Jewish brethren), although God expects His shepherds to help remind Israel of our biblical roots and responsibilities and regather them as "One Nation Under God," a truly "United Kingdom" (Ezek. 37:22).

It appears that they're happy believing they're Gentiles (with their counterfeit Christianity/Gentile religion) and don't want to return to biblical ways and days, preferring their perverted scatter-brain traditions (Hos. 1:9).

As brought out in my timely book, Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall, "Christ referred to WORLD WAR III as the GREAT TRIBULATION (Matt. 24:21-22). He had given an outline of prophetic events to occur just prior to His Second Coming. Although we can't know the exact time or date, we can know when it's very near!"

Yahshua taught that the end time would be very similar to Noah's time and how it was in Sodom and Gomorrah. Didn't Noah know what was about to happen? Wasn't Lot warned about imminent destruction? YES! Biblical precedent provides the proof that the people of God won't be left without a clue (Amos 3:7).

The Sabbath-keeping Church of God, His called-out ones (drafted to be delightfully different and wonderfully weird, living "ahead of our time"), are called Children of Light (1 Pet. 4:4; 1 Thes. 5:1-6).

We haven't been left in the dark, in stark contrast to those around us who know the latest weather report but miss the significance of the times. Too many remain oblivious to the fact that a EUROPEAN STORM IS BREWING (Matt. 16:2-3). Many won't realize it until it HITS HOME and they're devastated!

There's precious little time left to help sound the alarm and let the sirens go off. We're supposed to serve as God's EARLY WARNING SYSTEM (Jer. 44:4).

From the Watchtower of Faith we're able to see what's on the horizon and pick up on our spiritual radar screen the clear and present danger Europe presents. We know what's going to happen, based upon biblical facts, and declare it with confidence (Rom. 4:17).

If we don't help warn the world, giving everybody a chance to escape, we'll be held accountable for their deaths (Ezek. 3:18). Isaiah 42:19 warns about God's servant going blind and His messenger going deaf; Isaiah 56:10 rebukes blind watchman and dumb watchdogs that don't know how to bark and are asleep on the job!

Obviously God didn't "hire" them that way. This is so serious that God must warn us about it, (and you're being warned right now) because apparently many won't pass this part of our Christian test, deserting our posts, and running like Jonah. Such Christian-doves will get swallowed up in the belly of the Beast! There's nothing new under the Sun: just as Yahshua's closest friends fell asleep just before His trial and crucifixion, it appears some will nod off just before our Church and nations are scourged.

An important part of Yahshua's teachings, relevant to this generation, is the warning signs of what's about to strike, so everyone can prayerfully watch and seek shelter before it's too late (Lk. 21:36). But we're to share His survival course with others so they can know what to look for and expect and how to receive around-the-clock protection by trusting in Him. We can help save lives and prepare people for what's just ahead, whether it's World War III or the Lake of Fire (Jude 23).

Signs reveal what direction we're heading and how close we're getting to that destination. We're to share our God-given light of understanding with the world that they may be warned. That is our solemn privilege and responsibility. How nations or individuals respond is not our responsibility, it is between God and them.

Ezekiel's warning message is the same as Yahshua's and Paul's: repent or face the judgment of God. Likewise, Revelation's message is to repent of such things as murder, occult practices, immorality, idolatry, etc. and begin to obey the commandments of God and hang on for dear life to Jesus' teachings (in attitude and actions, in word and in works). However, God has decreed that His final warning to the world before the Storm breaks should be directed to His People Israel, now identified as prophesied, and that it should include exposing the European Beast as a satanic system opposed to the saints of God and His government.

If God preferred that we stuck to a general message of salvation rather than to warn about a specific POLITICO-RELIGIOUS POWER rising in Europe, then He wouldn't have given us such inspired details in the Bible!

Those who think otherwise are vainly dismissing the Prophets and Revelation as unnecessary. They think they're so smart but they're acting like fools (Rom. 1:22; Job 38:2). God knows what He's doing. Anyone can preach a generic message, but only the Children of Light can understand the fine print in God's Word and reveal His Secrets to mankind.

All the magicians in the times of Joseph and Daniel put together couldn't provide the right answer to the questions of their day, yet those two witnesses gave God the glory and revealed truth that could only come from God (Gen. 41; Dan. 2:30). Likewise, God expects us to share HIS DIVINE REVELATION (Isa. 48:6). This deeper understanding and special relationship with God and His Word ought to be evident to outsiders as something truly unique (Deut. 4:6-7; John 15:15).

May the Church of God share the complete teachings of Yahshua, His full gospel -- individual and national -- with all the world. Such priceless teachings about the Kingdom of God, faith and forgiveness, also warn about frightening events that will signal the end of this age and help usher in the Wonderful World Tomorrow.

May we faithfully explain the spiritual significance of today's bad news (through the light of Bible prophecy) and emphasize the GOOD NEWS that we have a Savior from sin and a Deliverer from men!

Come Lord Jesus! Hosanna in the Highest!

The Church of God Must Warn the World!

The Church of God Must Warn the World!

The Church of God Must Warn the World!

C.H. Spurgeon on Christmas and Roman Catholicism

Charles Haddon Spurgeon on Christmas

From a sermon preached by C. H. Spurgeon on Dec. 24, 1871:

We have no superstitious regard for times and seasons. Certainly we do not believe in the present ecclesiastical arrangement called Christmas. First, because we do not believe in the mass at all, but abhor it, whether it be sung in Latin or in English. Secondly, because we find no Scriptural warrant whatever for observing any day as the birthday of the Savior; and consequently, its observance is a superstition, because not of divine authority. 'Superstition' has fixed most positively the day of our Savior's birth, although there is no possibility of discovering when it occurred. ... It was not till the middle of the third century that any part of the Church celebrated the nativity of our Lord; and it was not till very long after the Western Church had set the example, that the Eastern adopted it. ... Probably the fact is that the "holy" days were arranged to fit in with the heathen festivals. We venture to assert, that if there be any day in the year, of which we may be pretty sure that it was not the day on which the Savior was born, it is the 25th of December. ... Regarding not the day, let us, nevertheless, give God thanks for the gift of His dear Son.

C.H. Spurgeon on Roman Catholicism

"Cursed be the man before the Lord, that riseth up and buildeth this city Jericho." Joshua 6:26
"Since he was cursed who rebuilt Jericho, much more the man who labours to restore Popery among us. In our fathers' days the gigantic walls of Popery fell by the power of their faith, the perseverance of their efforts, and the blast of their gospel trumpets; and now there are some who would rebuild that accursed system upon its old foundations. O Lord, be please to thwart their unrighteous endeavours, and pull down every stone which they build. It should be a serious business with us to be thoroughly purged of every error which may have a tendency to foster the spirit of Popery, and when we have made a clean sweep at home we should seek in every way to oppose its all too rapid spread abroad in the church and in the world. This last can be done in secret by fervent prayer, and in public by decided testimony. We must warn with judicious boldness those who are inclined towards the errors of Rome; we must instruct the young in gospel truth, and tell them of the black doings of Popery in the olden times. We must aid in spreading the light more thoroughly through the land, for priests, like owls, hate daylight. Are we doing all we can for Jesus and the gospel? If not, our negligence plays into the hands of priestcraft. What are we doing to spread the Bible, which is the Pope's bane and poison? Are we casting abroad good, sound gospel writings? Luther once said, 'The devil hates goose quills,' and doubtless, he has good reason, for ready writers, by the Holy Spirit's blessing, have done his kingdom much damage. If the thousands who will read this short word this night will do all they can to hinder the rebuilding of his accursed Jericho, the Lord's glory shall speed among the sons of men. Reader, what can you do? What will you do?"

From "Evening By Evening" by Charles Spurgeon
Uhrichsville, Barbour and Company, 1991.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Lost Ten Tribes, David Ben-Ariel, Herbert W. Armstrong

Here is the data for David Ben-Ariel that gathered for October 2009.

Top 3 Performing Articles (Lifetime):

Not All Twelve Tribes of Israel are Jewish?
Lifetime Views: 29,135
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Herbert W. Armstrong Was Ahead of His Time!
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The Plain Truth About The "Lost Ten Tribes" And Why You Need To Know
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the lost ten tribes of israel
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Top 3 Performing Articles (October 2009):

Not All Twelve Tribes of Israel are Jewish?
October 2009 Views: 814
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The Covenant: God's Relationship to Jews, Israelites, and Gentiles
October 2009 Views: 402
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Third Temple Coming Soon to Jerusalem!
October 2009 Views: 377
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the third temple
third temple jerusalem

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Fearing death?

Re: Do you fear death?

I don't fear death...
I trust in the tender mercies of God to bless me to be in the First Resurrection at Yahshua's glorious return!

When we die, we're dead until the resurrection. Nobody goes to "Heaven or Hell," contrary to traditional misunderstandings and popular religious lies.

Pearly Gates (David Ben-Ariel YouTube Video)

Dead & Buried (David Ben-Ariel YouTube video)

Happy Thanksgiving!

Where's our attitude of gratitude?

The Israelite Origins of the United States

This recent exchange with a gentleman at the History Channel Forum is just in time for Thanksgiving Day. God help us to remember our Hebrew roots and biblical responsibilities and always have an attitude of gratitude for His tender mercies!

The twelve tribes themselves are not European in origin

The Twelve Tribes of Israel - the Anglo-Saxon-Celtics and white peoples of Northwestern Europe -- are Israelite in origin. We're the so-called "Lost Ten Tribes." We were taken captive by the Assyrians and later, as prophesied, migrated north and west into Europe and King David's dynasty continues in the Sceptered Isle.

Of the 12,000 from each tribe to be taken on judgement day, how many do you think will be of mixed blood?

If they're so mixed the Holy Spirit wouldn't have inspired John to write specifically of the unique tribes of Israel. They're obviously not "mixed" enough to disqualify them from being considered, in God's eyes, this or that specific tribe of Israel. Undoubtedly we have married among ourselves to some extent, yet still this or that tribe dominates in our ancestry, having sifted through various countries (we can say we're English, Irish, Dutch), but we're still ISRAELITES.

When Revelations was written the author probably had no idea that the Jews would have dispersed across the globe as they have or intermarried as they have with other peoples

John was a prophet and the Holy Spirit undoubtedly inspired him to know the other prophecies in the Law and the Prophets that clearly foretold the reach and expansion of all Twelve Tribes to the far ends of the Earth - not just the Jews! The Jews are only a small part of the big family of Jacob-Israel.

It's written in Amos that we (the Northern 10-tribed Kingdom of Israel) would migrate, sift through the nations, and yet not lose our identity (as far as our ethnic make-up is concerned, our basic DNA).

assuming that you are a Gentile

God's mercy extends to all peoples, although His plan calls for the Jews (and Israelites) first and then the Gentiles. God has called our peoples, the Jews and the Joes, Israelites, to ultimately become His Servant Nation to bless all nations.

I am a Joe (descended from Joseph/Anglo-Saxon-Celtic heritage), as well as a Jew, scion of King David, as our family goes back to the British and Scottish Royal Families. Apparently I'm also a descendant of two Mayflower Pilgrims, John and Priscilla Alden, and collateral descendant of three American presidents.

[The Scripture] doesn't apply to America because we were given nothing. We TOOK everything we have from the natives

The United States was given primarily to the descendants of Joseph and the other Northern tribes of Israel, with some Jews living among us (even though God has given them a Jewish Homeland).

Just like ancient Israel had to be willing to fight to secure their inheritance, so did we. Sometimes we were more honorable than others, just like Jacob with Esau, but regardless Manifest Destiny was to be and was fulfilled in us. We didn't take from the natives as it wasn't theirs to begin with -- it belongs to our Great Creator God and to whomsoever He gives it, as is His divine prerogative.

The various natives took from each other and had a violent history towards different tribes and were carried away with their raw paganism. Some were more advanced than others.

Deuteronomy 6:10-12
10 “So it shall be, when the LORD your God brings you into the land of which He swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give you large and beautiful cities which you did not build, 11 houses full of all good things, which you did not fill, hewn-out wells which you did not dig, vineyards and olive trees which you did not plant—when you have eaten and are full— 12 then beware, lest you forget the LORD...

we built the cities, invented our gadgets and things, built a gargantuan economy, paved the roads, assembled a massive military, etc. all by ourselves. God had nothing to do with these things

God works in and through and for people at the same time. He warned us not to develop such an unhealthy and pompous attitude of vainly imagining we did all these things without His help and inspiration, even giving us the health to accomplish great things. God has blessed our efforts. It's true that God helps those who help themselves. The "Protestant work ethic" is a biblical work ethic.

Deuteronomy 8:9-20
9 a land in which you will eat bread without scarcity, in which you will lack nothing; a land whose stones are iron and out of whose hills you can dig copper. 10 When you have eaten and are full, then you shall bless the LORD your God for the good land which He has given you. 11 "Beware that you do not forget the LORD your God by not keeping His commandments, His judgments, and His statutes which I command you today, 12 lest—when you have eaten and are full, and have built beautiful houses and dwell in them; 13 and when your herds and your flocks multiply, and your silver and your gold are multiplied, and all that you have is multiplied; 14 when your heart is lifted up, and you forget the LORD your God...17 then you say in your heart, 'My power and the might of my hand have gained me this wealth.'

18 "And you shall remember the LORD your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day.
19 Then it shall be, if you by any means forget the LORD your God, and follow other gods, and serve them and worship them, I testify against you this day that you shall surely perish. 20 As the nations which the LORD destroys before you, so you shall perish, because you would not be obedient to the voice of the LORD your God.

As Abraham Lincoln warned, he said we had forgotten our Great God and encouraged all to repent and pray that God might save our nation. We were spared that God might fulfill His many prophecies, His wonderful promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob about the peace and prosperity of their descendants because of ABRAHAM'S OBEDIENCE.

God has given us these many things and wonderful years and we have forgotten him as self-made men and women who vainly imagine we don't need God and this is all our doing, the work of our hands, so God - who controls the weather - will strip these things out of our hands and show us how we're at His mercy to humble us and bring us back to Him and remind us to keep His commandments, His holy Sabbath and biblical festivals, the "Jewish holidays," and reject the replacement theology and pagan holidays of bloody Rome!

If we have god to thank for the invention of the airplane then we have him to thank for 9/11.

That's just plain ridiculous. What we do with a gift is our responsibility. Everything has the potential to be a blessing or a curse. God gives us free moral agency to determine what we will for ourselves, what we will do with what we've been given: whether we'll squander our inheritance or use it wisely, with an attitude of gratitude and loving obedience.

I see you conveniently did not address Isaiah 24 I quoted, which says:
1. Behold, the LORD makes the earth empty, He makes it waste, and turns it upside down, and scatters abroad its inhabitants.
2. And it shall be, that as it is with the people, so with the priest; as it is with the servant, so with his master; as it is with the maid, so with her mistress; as it is with the buyer, so with the seller; as it is with the lender, so with the borrower; as it is with the taker of usury, so with the payer of usury to him.
3. The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the LORD has spoken this word. 4 The earth mourns and fades away, the world languishes and fades away, the haughty people of the earth languish.
13. When this happens: in the midst of the land among the people, it shall be as the shaking of an olive tree, and like the gleaning grapes when the vintage is done. 14 They shall lift up their voice, they shall sing for the majesty of the LORD, they shall cry aloud from the sea. 15 Wherefore glorify you the LORD in the fires, even the name of the LORD God of Israel in the isles of the sea. 16. From the furthermost part of the earth have we heard songs, even glory to the righteous. But I said, My leanness, my leanness, woe to me! the treacherous dealers have dealt treacherously; yes, the treacherous dealers have dealt very treacherously. 17 Fear, and the pit, and the snare, are upon you, O inhabitant of the earth. 18 And it shall be, that he who flees from the noise of the fear shall fall into the pit; and he who comes up out of the midst of the pit shall be caught in the snare: for the windows from on high are open, and the foundations of the earth shake. 19 The earth is completely broken down, the earth is fully dissolved, the earth is exceedingly moved. 20 The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and its transgression shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again.

These verses prophesy destruction of everything and everybody which does not jibe with what you're telling me.

I did not ignore it and I did address it. Mankind will get to the point of no return: except for divine intervention no flesh would be saved alive, no human being would remain, just as Yahshua and the Prophets foretold. Within that Scripture it reveals survivors who are praising God, which I have highlighted.

Matthew 24:21-22
21 For then there will be great tribulation [Time of Jacob's Trouble], such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. 22 And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake [the physical descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob] those days will be shortened.

Isaiah 1:9
9 Unless the LORD of hostsHad left to us a very small remnant,
We would have become like Sodom,
We would have been made like Gomorrah.

Isaiah 43:1-3
1 But now, thus says the LORD, who created you, O Jacob,
And He who formed you, O Israel:
“ Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
I have called you by your name;
You are Mine.
2 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you.When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned,
Nor shall the flame scorch you.
3 For I am the LORD your God,The Holy One of Israel, your Savior;
I gave Egypt for your ransom,
Ethiopia and Seba in your place.

God always saves a remnant to keep His promise alive to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that He would be their God and the God of their descendants (which means they must always have some descendants). This GOOD NEWS is why the first chapter of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall is appropriately called, "Survival Guaranteed!"

Watch the United States in Prophecy! for further information.

Monday, November 09, 2009

New David Ben-Ariel Blog!

God Given Names

Monday, November 9, 2009

I was born David A. Hoover on January 10, 1960 in Bowling Green, Ohio. However, I legally changed my name to David Ben-Ariel (with the help of my Jewish lawyer) during the Spring of 1989. It cost me $300.00.

It also required that I take out a small ad in a newspaper announcing my intentions 30 days beforehand. I placed my ad in the Bowling Green Sentinel.

I also had to appear before a judge (it depends on what county you were born) for him to privately question my motivations. Continue reading “God Given Names”


Israel’s Unjust Deportation of David Ben-Ariel

November 9, 2009

As a Christian-American member of the Temple Mount Faithful Movement, I had been privileged to participate in their legal demonstrations during my 10-month stay in Jerusalem awaiting dual citizenship. Israeli television often showed me with my Jewish friends carrying Israeli flags throughout the Old City. Continue reading “Israel’s Unjust Deportation of David Ben-Ariel”

Speaking of the plain truth...

Do You Prefer TRADITION Over Truth?

Is the Plain Truth Too Strong?

Friday, November 06, 2009

The Plain Truth Prevails!

Enemies have attacked but the plain truth of the Bible, history and currents events, as shared by David Ben-Ariel in his many articles, can be found in many other places throughout the Internet world. The plain truth prevails!

Jeremiah 15:10-21
10 Woe is me, my mother,
That you have borne me,
A man of strife and a man of contention to the whole earth!

Many YouTube videos, including

Google David Ben-Ariel!

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Speaking of Science

Christianity, Judaism, and Science

1 Timothy 6:20 (King James Version)
20 O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called...
Legitimate science is not opposed by true Christianity or Judaism, as evident by books like these:

The Hidden Face of God: Science Reveals the Ultimate Truth
by Gerald L. Schroeder

The Science of God: The Convergence of Scientific and Biblical Wisdom
by Gerald L. Schroeder

And articles:

Does The Bible Teach There Were Human Prototypes? by David Ben-Ariel

And booklets:

What Science Can’t Discover About the Human Mind by Herbert W. Armstrong.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

A Sister's Encouragement

Nancy commented on Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?

I'm glad someone isn't afraid to actually put the TRUTH out there that is in the Holy Bible, which other "Christians" blatantly ignore. They are not innocent because they do not know the truth which they can easily find in the Holy Bible...if they read it. Thanks a lot!

God Bless you brother in the name of Christ.

Thank you for encouraging all who dare to share the plain truth of the Bible.

Please watch:
The Plain Truth (David Ben-Ariel YouTube Video)